Identifying and analyzing potential security weaknesses
What is Web Application Security?
Web application security testing involves conducting a simulated attack on your web application, similar to how a hacker would, with the purpose of identifying and analyzing potential security weaknesses that can be exploited by attackers. Given the crucial role of web applications in business and their attractiveness to cybercriminals, it is essential to proactively assess and uncover vulnerabilities that could potentially lead to the compromise of sensitive user data and financial information.
Our Approach
Discover potential attack surfaces by researching the web application, its infrastructure, frameworks used etc. Identify entry points.
Understand the web app functionality, flow, components etc. Identify all inputs/outputs. This helps plan tests.
Discover assets through automated scans. Crawl links to map entire site. Gather information through enumeration.
Scan app for security misconfigurations, known vulnerabilities using automated tools like nmap, nikto, arachni etc.
Attempt exploits for found vulnerabilities to actually gain access, privilege escalations etc. Tools like metasploit can be used.
Try to manipulate end users through phishing emails etc to obtain access or sensitive data.
After gaining access, try to extract valuable data from databases or hosted files. Maintain access for later.
Document all findings, exploited vulnerabilities, sensitive data accessed etc. Provide remediation guidance.
Benefits of Web Testing
Discover weaknesses and misconfigurations
Reduce risks of breaches
Meet Compliance Requirements
Protect Sensitive Data By finding and fixing security flaws